Minister of Community Article.

Day 1,783, 18:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

What? A Community Article not written on the Community paper? Yes. It is true. As many of you know there was a little incident recently where some property of the Irish Government was stolen by person or persons unknown. Well that is an understatement really since the Treasury of the Nation of Ireland was stolen. Quite a big deal really but no use crying about it. We must move forward and keep going.

As a result of this incident the password situation is a little up in the air so I will just pen a few words here in my own little paper until things are sorted out.

I want to just mention a few things as to what I have planned for this term.

First off I know the golf tournament has not had a winner announced yet. Well things have been a little busy here. Some bad news in RL. Two cancer diagnosis and a death in two days. No one in my immediate family, but family and friends. So while I am fine things around here are not. I have not been able to put in my usual amount of time. Don't worry things will be OK.

I will get the golf results out soon. In a day or so.

I also plan on running a poll about once a week with questions about your government. I will run the same poll every week so if you miss it just answer the next weeks and then we will see how opinion changes from week to week on subjects.

I also plan a lottery, and a possible return of the Community Awards.

I would also like to get some games up and running. Recently Winston Hope Smith ran a chess tournament. Maybe we could do that again. I have been in contact with the UK and they would like to compete against us if we can figure out a game we both like.

I also would like to have a weekly contest for influence done in battle. I would use the stats from Egov4you and whoever wins for the week would be Irelander of the Week.

That is quite a bit I have planned. If I get half of it off the ground I will consider myself lucky and that this will be a good term. Only time will tell.

Minister of Community
Anthony Colby.