MI - On The Ground

Day 653, 00:03 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs

Chapter Three:

Kansas? All three were clearly surprised when they opened the envelopes. They had never felt the need to visit that Flat As A Tabletop state before. Reading further through their orders they began to understand why. During the occupation Russia had installed four deep missile silos, each one loaded with a nuclear warhead that, because of their central location, could reach any point in the United States. Three silos were in one compound, under insanely heavy guard of course, and the fourth was 2 clicks away. According to Strategic Command the special explosives in their packs needed to be detonated at all four sites within 10 minutes of each other so the ensuing mushroom clouds would be contained for minimal radiation spill.

"In the tubes soldiers!" Lieutenant maemae voice cracked onto the intercom "We're coming in hot and under the radar, so your drop is going to be short and fast." Len, n4n0, and yort54 were already scrambling for their capsules. Short drops like this meant you had to act fast and think fast on your way down, but it gave the enemy much less time to spot you and create problem. It also meant unless you were in the hands of an outstanding pilot, you could end up a splat on the ground. Fortunately for this drop they knew they had the best pilot in the MI guiding them in.

What seemed like only seconds later all three were on the ground, dropped perfectly behind a small ridge close to the main compound. There was no sign the huge StratoLifter had ever even been to Kansas. They were totally undetected.

The helmet radio came to life. "Len- you have incoming enemy reinforcements, currently 2 miles out directly west of your current position. Advise you use your Sniper Laser to remove threat prior to their approach to the compound." "Command - did you say 2 miles?" Len asked incredulously. "Roger MI" was Command's brief response. "Guess they didn't call it the Ultra-Distance Sniper Laser for nothing" Len thought to himself as he quickly assembled the rifle and stand.

Looking through the scope he was surprised to see the slowly moving troop transport as clearly as if it was on the access road below him. He dialed ammo to Explosive, aimed for the engine of the truck, and squeezed off a single silent shot. Almost instantly the truck and all within were engulfed in an explosion that seemed to defy physics. There was no height to the fireball, it stayed within the perimeter of the vehicle as it consumed it. n4n0 and yort54 could barely contain their amazement as they watched through field glasses, realizing the compound never saw the truck to begin with, and certainly never saw it's destruction. "Fine shooting Len" n4n0 whistled quietly.

"Alright boys, on to the task at hand" yort54 spoke as they all jumped over the ridge and headed into the compound unobserved.

…continued next week

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Respectfully submitted
Lt Colonel Dania
Mobile Infantry Press Officer

"When liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered." -- Dorothy Thompson
