Matthew Valius 4 CP (Platform)

Day 3,601, 14:49 Published in USA USA by Matthew Valius

My name is Matthew Valius. Some may tell you that I abandoned the game for a long while, but I have been coming in and out of the game while managing a RL Political Career. Enough of that. I am very active in pursuing and following through with action in-game. And as my bid for CP of the eUSA below is my platform.

Diplomatic Relations

My plan is to search out the intel we have and the probability that the "Embassy/Ambassador" Program would work under revision. Our alliance is to be held to the highest priority. In my Presidency, I would like to work to strengthen the Alliance further, as well as our Diplomatic Relations with other countries.
I'm not here to judge former CP's actions or to criticize them. That is not who I am. I come before you as a candidate for the Presidency, with hopes and solid plans in the probability of making a mark in the eUSA for the good.

The Economy

As most and many will tell you, taxes are the responsibility of Congress. I will not touch that, unless I see room to suggest to Congress.
Though, it is my belief that communes in the time of wars is the best idea we can turn to. Of course, this some may say will hurt the economy, but is there really much of an economy left? (The short answer: No.) The long answer is that, there is an economy and it works for the current state of the eUSA.


As CP, I would fill my cabinet with many established politicians and knowledgeable individuals who will help roll out my initiatives. We must keep the AARP going, and we must continue to come up with innovative ideas. A housing program would be nice and is under construction as we speak.
I am and will be active as CP in my duties to communicate, address and call to action as per my responsibilities. Press Releases will come often, as will any responses to messages I receive. Our Homelandmust be protected, informed and in action.

War & Allies

I will have a strategic advisor and will consult my defense department before making any harsh or peaceful moves. It will be in the best interest of our nation. I put allies above enemies, and I will not back down from protecting them, nor will I back down from calling to arms the eAmerican's and the MUs to action against our enemies.
I am willing to take a broad look at the situations we are actively involved in and decide if the risk of peace is worth the risk of a coup. I'm not going to do away with CO's by making peace, that's impossible, and I don't want a eWorld without war. We must have war to advance. But where peace can be made, I will evaluate, and where it cannot, I will continue to push for strategy and defeat.

In closing,

I hope that you, fellow eAmericans, my friends, will give me the chance to prove myself right. My wishes are to serve the country and it's best interests and leave it in a better shape than I found it. I will be running in the primaries and will not stop running. My feet are on the ground, I am communicating my plans, my ideas and my campaign with others. I will not stop.

Power to the eUSA

~Matthew Valius