Lolish elections in... Romania!

Day 1,172, 07:09 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian

This article is about the tomorrow presidential elections taking place in Romania, but written in English for my foreign subscribers (and trolls).
First of all, with this article, I do not intend to accuse directly any of the 3 current presidential candidates in Romania: Smif, Alex Craciun and Simon Santo, or the previous winners, Butnaru, Grissom and so on; but just to draw attention to how we are manipulated and governed by petty interests who would do anything to reach to power even in an online game.
Of course this doesn`t happen only in Romania but all over eWorld where clones win elections.
I know nothing will change with this article but I think people have the right to know.

So let`s get started.
I`m an owner of companies. I employ new work force on daily bases. All employers encounter the same issues as I do, one of them being economical sabotage where foreign nationals come and work in your company with under 20 wellness. Nothing new about it and maybe this "feature" is all right by eRepublik standards. It`s true that 90% of those who work in Romanian companies with under 20% wellness are Russian and Hungarian clones, but let`s forget about that for now.

This morning while doing my usual entrepreneurial chores I noticed how a wave of accounts starting with letter Q took offers in my companies. They were all looking alike, similar names, avatars and most important all at 50 wellness which means they were just revived this morning. They all belong to different parties in order not to give birth to suspicions. I wont give more details because I don`t really need more FPs than i have already.
All those "newborns" were joining my company at a rate of 1 per 2/3 minutes, so I presume there was only one "master puppeteer" who had the pleasure of waking them up.
Then what stroke me was that about a month ago I had the same problem with the same clones. So I realized their reason for suddenly waking up.

A month ago elections were won by Butnaru who was supported by 3 of the biggest Romanian parties: PL, UGD and Brain(smth). Most likely those votes were for him. If Butnaru knew about it or not, nobody can prove, not even the old Greek philosopher.

Question is, who are the newborns going to vote next? The most likely candidates are Smif and Alex Craciun. Smif is supported by PL and has his share of detractors. However he is not no.1 on my list because of the fact that he is not supported by a certain group of interests that tries to take power in Romania every month.
My main "worry" is Alex Craciun, and not necessarily him personally but some of those who support him and who have a case history. Alex Craciun, was a member of Butnaru`s government.

I have already sent the clones list to Admin and hopefully they will be banned until the elections start. As soon as the clones started to flood my companies I have canceled all job market offers. This was hours ago. I don`t want to think how many more woke up to life since then. I hope, probably in vain, that this elections will not be won by fraud.

So once more, I do not accuse directly the presidential candidates and the parties that support them. More than that I`m pleased that tomorrow we actually have where to choose from, not like it happened a month ago.

I wish them all good luck. May the best man win. And for flocks sake, please work for the people and not for your own interests! Thank you!