Legends of Romania - a proposal

Day 3,395, 07:49 Published in Romania Romania by zmeuNY


There have been many discussions about the nomenclature of the Military Ranks over the years, especially with the introduction of the Legend Ranks. In an effort to both simplify their work and to reward please "some" of the most active players, the Admins have introduced the Legend Rank, which will be the last of the Rank names in the hierarchy.

There are currently close to 600 players with the Legend Rank, some with fancy names, and others with boring stupid ones. A few of the original players that hit the Legend Rank have even left the game, but their (nick)names live on! Most times the arrogance and real money spent in the game have burst through everyone's noses. In the same time, some of these Legends have got their ranks up due to not-so-honest techniques, such as multi farms, account transfer/buying, or exploiting smaller countries.

A lot of the players, including a huge amount of Titans that are due to become Legends soon would like to put an end to this injustice. They basically demand respect for the descendants of present and future Legends.

There is currently voting, while discussions are going on in the Forums on this topic, and everyone should feel free to voice their opinion. This article does just that. It tries to raise awareness about the Legend Rank naming. The consensus is that instead of Legends of Some_Player, you could become Legends of Romania.


Au existat de-a lungul timpului mai multe discutii in legatura cu Rankurile Militare, in special dupa introducerea Legendelor. Intr-un efort prin care s-a incercat pe deoparte usurarea muncii Adminilor, iar pe de alta parte recompensa si multumirea unor jucatori activi, s-a hotarat ca rankul de Legenda sa fie ultimul.

In momentul de fata sunt aproximativ 600 de jucatori cu rank de Legenda, unele cu nume rasunatoare, iar altele de-a dreptul stupide. Unii din jucatorii originali au parasit jocul dar numele lor dainuie. De cele mai multe ori aroganta si banii dati cu cardul le-a iesit jucatorilor pe nas. In acelasi timp multi din acei jucatori ajunsi Legende au folosit tactici injositoare gen clone, conturi cumparate, sau exploatarea unor tari "din lumea a 3-a" pentru a obtine rankul de Legenda.

Majoritatea jucatorilor, inclusiv foarte multi Titani care vor deveni in curand Legende doresc sa puna capat acestei injustitii. In principiu vor respect pentru rankul de Legenda si urmasii sai.

Pe Forumul eRepublik sunt deschise discutii ample in legatura cu acest subiect, un efort de a aduce in prim-plan aceasta problema. Consensul este ca in loc de Legendele lui Han Sulo, ar fi mai frumos sa fie Legendele Romaniei.