Journal of a Young Soldier Part 1

Day 1,828, 21:35 Published in USA USA by Cassius Auspicus
I fight today, a proud citizen soldier in a professional army for the allies of my blessed country in the Albanian Coast. It is here in battle that I feel that our country is at its strongest. I feel that our great Republic is one upheld through military strength and economic might, these two things are not independent in the New World. As long as this is true I see no other logical course of action as a people than perpetual involvement in conflict. The Balkans for it's time, appears to be the center of the worlds attention and the object of the worlds aggressive ambition. It would be ill-fitting if our beloved republic weren't involved, oh but blessed are we to be involved, and blessed am I to be born into such an era of beneficial hostilities.

Long live the true Congress! Long live the President!