Join the NoS!

Day 888, 15:32 Published in USA USA by Neal Mcwiggles

As always, I didn't write a wall of text because 1) I know people don't like to read and 2) I am not good at writing like that.

NoS's goals

The continued success of our members.

To work towards getting a congress member or two in.

To become a community.

To work towards being a strong political power.

Why should you join NoS?
NoS is a new party yes, but we are growing. We have gotten to 15 members pretty fast and we plan to keep growing at the same rate. My goal is to have 30 members in NoS by the end of the month. Although I may not accomplish that, I will try my hardest towards it. NoS is also working towards a community feeling, not just a party where you join and go "Herp Derp derp nothing to do". We are planning on getting at least one person in congress next elections. And as every parties dream is, we hope to some day be a top 5 party.

Also, we have cool mustaches

Oh yeah, check out that sexy ass mustache, oh yeaahhh

And we are really good dancers.

Only took 10 minutes to make xD

So come on down to NoS

And also join our forums

Ask any questions in the comments and I will try and answer them.