Irish Reform Party - A Step Forward

Day 1,838, 03:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway
Stage one of Introduction.

Citizen’s of Ireland,

After a long week of partying, drinking and meeting lovely women, the Irish Reform Party has calmed down. It’s a little safer for you to come out now. On the final night of celebrating our establishment we gathered around a rusty iron table and began to discuss the next step into the future. Over several pints, over several arguments we drew up plans, plans of progress and plans of success, we drew up our party council and we decided on how to make our party more attractive to the masses. So its time to get down into the interesting stuff, first off the Leadership Council:

Party President: MrConway
Spokesman: Dr. Pierre Chang
Councillor: The Death Of Rats
General Secretary: Mlickism

As Party President my role is to run the party and keep everything ticking over, I will choose the order in which congress candidates will be assigned. I will oversee all major party events and will be the key representative of the party.

Dr. Pierre Chang as spokesman will spread the word of the gospel. He will preach to the public on behalf of the party and spread our beliefs, condemn what we oppose and be our public figure. He will be the connection between our party and the public.

The Death of Rats as councillor will be my liaison within the party, he will ensure all members are satisfied and all voices are heard. He will be my assistant in organising party events and will also play a role in promoting the party to the public.

Mlickism as General Secretary will be my assistant in some degrees. He will help me in organising party events and choosing our congress list. He will play a key role in keeping organisation within the party efficient.

My Leadership team contains two senior players and two new younger players, the combination of knowledge, imagination and hard-work will play a key role in the establishment of our party as a group, a unit and as a major figure within the Irish political scene.

This concludes our party announcement for today, we shall publish more tomorrow. Join us today!

Tiocfaidh Ar Lá,