India - Israel TW Agreement

Day 4,816, 19:26 Published in India Croatia by Anubis.3

Starting from the day 4,820 of the New World, the training war between eIndia and eIsrael will be established. This training war will begin with Israel sending in an air strike to the Indian region of Kerala. Israel will stay in the region for three months and after that period, will accommodate eIndia in one of their core regions for the same time period of 3 months.


“Host Country” - the country hosting the training war
“Visiting Country” - the country occupying an agreed region in the host country

Rules of the agreement:

1. Every 3 months the location of the TW changes from the “host country” to the “visiting country”. The initial “Host Country” is eIndia. It will be a ping-pong TW between eIndia and eIsrael.

2. Both sides lose direct battles unless both sides agree to do the opposite.

3. In case the “Visiting Country” accidentally wins a direct battle they should liberate the occupied region and lose the next direct battle.

4. Training War can be stopped on the mutual consent of the two parties.

5. On 5th of each month “visiting country” should pay tax revenue gained during occupation to the “host country”

6. Fighters from the opposing side can hit and take BHs on the other side if nobody from that side hits before T30 (30 minutes from the start of the round)

7. Based on requirements at the time, when eIndia is visiting eIsrael’s core regions, eIndia will sign a MPP with certain countries based on eIsrael’s request. The cost of the MPP will be borne by those countries eIndia signs MPP with.


CP of eIndia: Anubis.3
CP of eIsrael: TheEnlightenedNaor
MoFA of eIndia VinSkywalker
MoFA of eIsrael Passover II