Independent Legion: Status Report

Day 1,422, 11:09 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Here’s my quick little update about what’s going on in the Independent Legion. Updates are good no?

Since congress has graciously decided to give the Legion a piece of the pie, and since we’ve somehow managed to build up quite a stockpile over the past few weeks, the only option I see is to increase supplies to what they were before we lost the production bonus’. Standard Supply will now be 45 units of Q5 food, as well as 9 Q5 weapons, while members who can supply their own food will receive over 9000 tanks*. Supply drops occur 5 days a week.

In addition, in an attempt to increase the IL’s damage output, members who fight more will be able to earn bonus supplies. Simply, for every 25 times you fight a day you’ll receive a bonus tank the next day. (50 fights = 2 bonus tanks, 75 = 3 etc.)

Our “Timed Strikes” continue over IRC. Between 16:00-17:00 erep time from Mondays to Fridays you guys can come to #EPICan and see how it is to fight as a group.

As I mentioned in my last article if you can manage to accumulate enough energy bars form the mission of the day to do over 400K damage, send me a screenshot and I’ll send you enough tanks to make it happen.

Membership continues to slowly grow. I’ve been extending offers via PM’s over the past few days. If we can pick up a simple 5 members a week that’s great for me. That being said if you’re reading this are interested in signing up, here’s how! 😃

You could go straight to our Military Unit and apply, in which case you’ll be contacted with further instructions -

You could send either myself or Macubex8 a PM asking to join, in which case we’ll respond with similar instructions 😛

Or you could just skip everything and head straight for the slave pit here, in which case we’ll add you to the supply list.

The Legion only requires our members to work every day, and kick ass on the battlefield. 😉

Naturally if there are any question I want to hear them, and other than my disclaimer that’s all I’ve got to say right now.

*Disclaimer: Members receiving weapons only will actually get 13 tanks 5 days a week, not over 9000. I’m just being silly of course~