In from the wilderness.....

Day 259, 06:13 Published in Canada Canada by Tom Hagen

And so once again Tom Hagen returns. I can here you yawning and saying "What's new? He won't stick around anyway."

Well I will tell you what is new.

The Tom Hagen of yesteryear tried to focus on all aspects of erepublik and in doing so overloaded his commitment to what is, in the end, just a game.

The Tom Hagen of the present is focused upon revitalising and renewing one of eCanada's oldest parties. By supporting Tinnerholm and any future Party Presidents I hope to see the CPP stem its downward spiral and head to a brighter future. However we can only do this with the help of all CPP members. I especially look to the party's senior members who should know what this party is all about.

I will now give you my reasons for 'leaving' eCanada previously:

Late January: Fit of Anger. Was persuaded otherwise.
Late April: Cut down my activity levels as I had exams in RL to contend with. Never stated I was leaving.
Early July: Overloaded on online game commitments I stepped right out of the arena.

I will answer any questions that you have of me and will gladly accept that I will have to win people's trust back.

Tom Hagen.