Day 653, 22:04 Published in Canada USA by Groot of Cascadia
First of all, Im glad to be back in Canada with my citizenship over that 🙂 If you appreciated your Reading, Vote and Suscribe and Thx

With MoI lack of informations on the current situation, many beginners or inexperienced players are very confused. So, Ill explain you what is going on at south. I have been reading Americain forums, Chating in IRC USA channel to gather the more informations as possible.

Many of you have notice that many Resistance War have been launched recently. Those RW are a Russian tactics, created to get Russia attacking USA.

Hint, before figthing, first of all, you should always Read MoD Orders. If you cant get informations, then before fighting in a RW, Check who started the RW. If its a Russian, Hungarian or Indonesian, Dont fight in that war.

Misinformation, Peace propaganda are flooding our NewsPaper and Publicities.

I seen many people saying, FIGHT RED and give back IDAHO to USA. WRONG!!!!!!
Romania army have been Figthing hard today to defeat russia and give Idaho to Canada. It was a planned move. IDAHO MOST STAY CANADIAN to keep a boarder with Russia!!!.

Russia is trying to create a " buffer" zone between Canada and Russia to stop Canada attacks on them. Since Canada did a awesome job to keep Russia busy and block them to attack USA. As long as Russia is under attack from Canada, they CANT attack USA.

With the new retreat Rules, USA military and intelligence are working to find new tactics to regain initiative on Indonesia.

So, that why its really important that Canada alway Keep a borader with Russia!

If your looking for mentors, jobs, or simply Friends, Check for Bruck Canucks. Mail me for infos 🙂

Samuel Brouillette