I am going back to my studies

Day 1,723, 04:13 Published in South Korea South Korea by the tormented one

So, I have just started my new term, and I probably not going to be active anymore.

I am going to leave two things for eSK, and I hope you will find it useful.

First thing is some analysis/advices

1. Peace sucks!!!! There is nothing wrong with peace, but we have wasted all this time while we are at peace. The government and the MUs got lazier, disorganised and seem to be unable to do the very basic. Where are the food runs and support programs which we have run? I have seen new people come in and no one talked to them.

2. The lack of directions from our leaders had been a major problem. How can we move forward and grow if we dont know where we are going? Set some goals for yourself, for your MUs, for your country if you are in congress or the government.

3. The training war is a major problem for eSK, because RoC have far more citizens than us. We have no control over the battles what so ever, and you can verified this by looking at the amount of BH medals won by Koreans.

I heard people calling for an East Asia alliance or whatever, it is a complete waste of time, when you looked at what they are saying about us now, nothing really has changed with this peace. And this training war is a major security threat to us because we have no control over it.

4. To address the problems raised at point in 1 and 2, I proposed the followings:
i. Privatise all MUs, I believe having more competitions will help MUs to be more active. My experience in LEA has prompted me to think what is difference between the success in LEA and the government MUs. I think the big difference is there is no sense of community in a government MU, because they are so large it is unmanageable by one or two appointed officials.

In LEA, when joony had control, there were a dozen of people helping out, and everyone use IRC and these made the job of running a MU many times easier.

So, where should the government come into this? I believe the main role of the government is to financially support the MUs and reward MUs which are well run.

The government can do this by having a scoring system that rank the performance of the MUs. If the MU is very active, or very good at retaining players, they can get more money than a MU which hasnt done a good job.

In times of war, the government can directly give instructions to the MU leaders, and they can direct their members to fight according to the instructions.

ii. I think everyone who run for congress or president need some goals for the community before being allowed to run for congress.

Just like the Olympic athletes, they would have set themselves some aims like winning a Gold medal, and then setup a training regime for them to win the gold medal, we also need leaders who have ideas and the mean to achieve them.

This doesnt have to big, I mean it could be something very simple like "I want to help 1 more new player to play the game", or "I am going to write a newspaper every few days to update what's going on". Having an goal is important because it motivate you to do things in order to achieve those goals.

iii. Delegate more power to congress. I found there are too much power/responsibility that has been given to the elites at the top. There are two ways to look at this. One is people are given these responsibility because they are the only people who bothered to do it. Two is the lower classes are uninterested because the elites are dominating and they think they dont fit in. Either case, I think we need to break these barriers and allow greater participation by more people.

We need to understand that players come and go, but if this continues, very soon, you will find there will be very few people who can run the community, and I guess that is one of the reasons that no one is doing food run, and weapon run anymore.

About the second thing, I hope to get someone to translate if possible. If there isn't, I will just post it in a different article later this week.

P.S. Sorry for the wall of words, I doubt too many people are going to read it through all the way.