I am a Maverick...

Day 1,757, 12:07 Published in Canada Canada by Quim B. Muffins

… or perhaps I’ve gone rogue.

Now is the time to act folks. We can not wait for Tyrael Snow to sort himself out and risk party stagnation. We are the largest party in eCanada. It is imperative that we use our voting power wisely. TS has experienced a series of crushing defeats at the Presidential level, I understand his fatigue, I get his need to refocus his energies. He has earned that right. But, BUT, what about the party? Are we to be placed in political stasis until he makes his triumphant return?

I think not!

We must continue his work. We must continue to fight the powers-that-be. We have the numbers, so that with a little help from our friends, we could get Canada back from the oligarchs. If we lay down, sit back and do nothing this month, the Coalition gets a free ride. Shit, they won’t even have to buy votes. Yep, a win would be that easy. Is that what TS wants? Do all of you really think that TS wants his political enemies experience no push back from his party?

I think not!

So ya, I haven’t received any guidance from our MIA leader. I haven’t his blessing, nor have I received a cease and desist. I am acting alone, I am doing what I believe is best for the party. Yep, I am a Maverick.

Keep your sticks on the ice,
Be excellent to each other,