I'm Back from the Brink...

Day 1,191, 22:26 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

Hey people,

I'm Back!

well after nearly 4 months away from eRep and loving every minute of it, I have decided to return for a while and give some time to help build eAustralia into something other than a laughing stock of the eWorld.

Things really can't get any worse, can they?

I not really interested in trolls or 'roleplayers' hoping to tie our senate up into knots, or in the bull crap carry on of elites and new blood.
I have played this game long enough to know the following:
1. If the economy is crap, then so is business and 'visa a versa'
2. If your business and economy is crap than you government has no money
3. and if your government has got no money, than you got no strong military
4. and f you got no military than you end up with only 4 regions (one of which is not your own) such as eAustralia has.
5. If you are going allow whining, red tape, selfish buggers run your country and dominate the press, then you will have a country full of whining trolls, tools with a 'no-can' attitude.
6. You have the choice to make the community enjoyable and strong or to bring it down with trolling, flame wars that achieve nothing. I for one am tired of seeing this happen.

So, if you are interested in being a part of seeing some sense in the senate and someone who is not going to let role playing get in the way of game mechanics, someone who has experience without being consumed by the game, someone who doesn't give two rats about the trolls who will come out of the woodworks, then why not join me. Cause to be quite honest, not one single person can get us back on our feet, or even one single senator, but each of us striving to see our country back on its feet with a bit of respect and dignity thrown in.

I am running for Senate in the NT, so i would appreciate your vote, if you care enough.

I am glad to be back and i will get my ORGs back up and running in due time and look forward to playing this game with a new way of thinking.

Its amazing what a few months does, lets see if we can start to turn this country around, you in?
