How to fight and boost your wellness

Day 696, 14:37 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

One of the most common problems I see from new players is not knowing how to fight and use the hospital. Articles like this have been written before but having too many of these can't hurt.

Why you should fight:
1) You're helping your country.
2) When you fight, you can use a hospital once per day, which if you live in a region with a Q5 (5-star) hospital, gets you 50 wellness points. (See instructions on how to use the hospital at the end of this article.)
3) Each fight gives you two experience points, and experience points help you go up another level.
4) It's fun!

The drawbacks of fighting: There are none! This isn't real life where people die and get injured.


1. Check your wellness. If your wellness is below 40, you can't fight. If you need help getting to 40, please ask the USA Welcoming Committee for gifts. You also need to be at level 5 to fight (it's the green number at the top-left of your avatar).

2. Make sure you're in a state with a Q5 hospital. The only states in the USA with a Q5 hospital are California and Florida. If you need a free moving ticket to move to one of those states, contact the USA Welcoming Committee.

3. You don't have to have a weapon to fight. But if you can afford it, buy weapons from the Marketplace. If you have them, one weapon is used up every fight. Q1 weapons are the most efficient, unless you're rich, you should only be buying Q1 weapons.

4. Check for orders from the Department of Defense's newspaper. Go to the battlefield. To fight, click on Fight.

Instructions for how many times to fight:

If you live in California, Florida or somewhere else with a Q5 hospital:
Wellness between 40-60: Fight 1 time, then heal (see instructions on how to heal below)
Wellness between 61-70: Fight 2 times, then heal
Wellness between 71-80: Fight 3 times, then heal
Wellness between 81-90: Fight 4 times, then heal
Wellness between 91-100: Fight 5 times, then heal

If you live in a state with below a Q5 hospital, MOVE TO CALIFORNIA OR FLORIDA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


After your last fight, click on "Back to Battlefield". Then click on "Hospital". Then click on "Heal". You should see your wellness go up.

Alternatively, you can click on your state in your profile, and then click on "Heal".

Remember, you can only use the hospital once per day. Do not fight again after you've healed until the next day!

For those of you want to see a YouTube video about how to fight and heal, click here.

Thank you for reading and helping your country,