
Day 2,541, 14:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Jimmy Savile

Hey guys. It's been a while since I written an article. Mostly cause there hasn't been a lot to talk about. On the congress side Alex's return to eUK stirred up a small political sh*t storm and there's been a bit of confusion with Canada. O.N.E seems to have lost a few member cause of the Serbs and not all the members can be asked to switch party again (I expect some of the other parties have had the same problem). On the war front we seem to be doing okay against the Canadians. Some people got a bit confused when Germany put a CO in our battle. They didn't know allies do that for each other.

But the topic today is the Houses. I know a few articles have been published about it but I wanted to do something before I go to sleep. So here I go

Yep. That about sums it up. In eUK there is absolutely no point in buying houses. Even if you bought all the houses together for the maximum overtime and then found someone who pay £40, you would only make £1,400. Lets look into another problem with Houses

Well would you look at that. eRep team didn't set the company discount to the House factories. I suppose that's another problem on the long list of things waiting to be fixed. Oh well. not much point in buying them anyway. Anything else?

Ah, yes. The difference in "Quality" is a bit big. The easiest way to see this problem is to look at the work tickets and energy. the work tickets are doubled almost every time but the energy bonus is lower. And it takes 5 - 6 days to produce a house (with one factory).

A good thing is that multiple factories stack but all your doing in increasing your wages and raw materials consumption. All i'm saying here is that having more then 1 factory is a waste of gold cause your adding to your short term bills. The price of the product stays the same but you get it out sooner. It's not quite mass production 😉

Anyway the overall point of this article is to say what every other article has said before mine. It's a good idea just not executed right. I did put in a ticket asking if they cause put a recovery bonus as well but you can guess what they said. thanks for your time.