Day 2,282, 17:03 Published in Japan Japan by Veprina 22

This is not begging for charity, this is just an action for myself, so I can build TC's, since I was absent, and this division change caught me unprepared.
Here are my current TC's and my money account:

As you can see, I am missing 1 Q3 and 3 Q4 TC's. With a discount it comes all together 120 golds.
If I can get 400 votes, and if every second person donate me 0.5 gold, I could achieve my goal. I will publish every single donator with graditude, and multiple articles as long as i keep pursuing this goal.

Ovako ljudi, nije me dugo bilo, a i kad sam prestao da igram, bio sam D4 sa 17000 snage, tako da se nisam bas proslavljao. Sad imam neke jadne sanse da se popravim usled promene divizija, ali mi treba vasa pomoc. Moram da skupim 120 golda za treninge. 0.5 po 0.5. Objavljivacu sve donatore i vise clanaka dok god ne uspem, makar trajalo mesecima 😃
UPDATE: Trenutno stanje(current status)-
Thank you all, guys and girls, you are great!

Please shout me. 60.5 gold and 1750 CC for now, after medals will be more, FF medal earne😛