Head Held High

Day 857, 08:24 Published in USA USA by George Griffin
Welcome to all readers!

Mood Music : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d43U0OeWg3Q&playnext_from=TL&videos=Lli6UNldy1Q&playnext=2

Hello! I am George Griffin and I would to like to tell my story to eAmerica and to anyone that will be reading. Last night was officially my third attempt for congress and I conceded for the third time. I can tell you now that losing can break on you and make you feel worthless or not important. It will really get you down for a month or maybe just a couple weeks. But I have put so much time into these last two runs that I am out of gas. I have so many things I am balancing on my shoulders. I am a true leader here in eAmerica. I am a leading teacher and founder of the DRU (Democratic Republican University). I am a Deputy Ambassador of Pakistan. I am a party greeter and I also am a Party greeter.

Last night when I was on the urge of losing a election in Maine and I told one of my good, good erep friends that I was thinking of taking a month off and starting up after next months elections. Well I slept on that idea and I figured that I needed to stay and keep trucking through my career. It's not about winning elections, it's about helping every new citizen and help in the community. I am a big part of my party and it would be a disgrace for me to pack up and leave.

So my reasoning to writing this article is that to never let go of something you can have at anytime. This game isn't just about winning elections or becoming popular, it's about giving back to the community and being a role model.

Saying all this, get to know me! I am a good guy and I'm willing to help you and change the The New World!
