He was always a BASTARD!

Day 936, 16:36 Published in USA Cuba by Dr. Badd

I am finally taking the step forward to continue the momentum that the Bastards of Liberty Party has had over the last 3 weeks.....

I am Joseph Dinero,

I would appreciate your vote in this upcoming party president elections. I have been President 2 times (1 by default) and I am the party founder and have been the party's consigliere since it's inception. Since I became president 3 weeks ago, I have done the following:

1. Opened and operate two gun companies for the Party Militia (the "Minutemen&quot😉 with my personal funds
Bastards of Liberty Minutemen
Bastards of Liberty Holdings

2. Setup and constantly recruit for the new party forum
(as seen on the home page of the party)

3. Added 5 new members (although two others have died) for an increase of 17.8% membership

4. Made a series of ads that will be recruiting when I take office (if I win this month)

I have done everything that I can for this party and will continue to do more.....

Skeleton of a party constitution, a food bank, and a party charity for new citizens are some of my ideas.

Remember that this party was founded with EVERYONE in mind - you talk and I listen.

I would appreciate your support and your vote as President of the Bastards!

Sincerely ,

Joseph (Please PM me with any questions)