Have what it takes for the Mobile Infantry?

Day 562, 00:47 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs

It's no surprise there is a lot of buzz about MI now that people know we exist. Mobile Infantry members are some of the most dedicated fighting men and women out there. Think you have what it takes to join our ranks?

Strength: If you're still lifting those 2lb weights in the gym, move on solider. MI requires everyone to have a minimum strength of 4, and wellness of 90 or better.

Movement: At a moment's notice we are asked to sever political party ties, quit our jobs, and leave the comfort of homes and loved ones to deploy all over the globe. Sometimes that deployment may last for several days, so be sure you always have a photo of that special person in your kit.

Reading: Not a lost art, it's a necessity if you want to be MI. We have an active forum where issues are discussed, orders are given, and you have the chance to rub elbows with your fellow Officers and Enlisted men and women. You WILL be expected to participate in forum life. Oh and ask Colonel DTM to buy you that first round in the forum bar.

Discipline: The eUSA Congress trusts us with a significant investment of money to supply you with weapons and moving tickets. In return you must be willing to follow orders quickly and without question. We take fighting for our country very serious, and demand you do as well.

Still think you have what it takes? Excellent! Fill out the http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=ci1XbGoxZDctN1AzaHFuVXdPLU9EZFE6MA " target="_blank"> Mobile Infantry Enlistment Application and a Recruitment Officer or Platoon Leader will get in touch with you shortly. If you have more questions, contact our Recruitment Officer Captain RivasA directly, he's the guy with the answers.

Make no mistake that joining MI is a commitment, but it will be the most rewarding commitment you're going to make in your eLife.....if you have what it takes!

To stay in touch with all MI news, you are encouraged to subscribe and vote for this paper.

Respectfully submitted
Major Dania
Mobile Infantry Press Officer

Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. ~D.H. Lawrence
