Hau, hau?

Day 1,680, 17:02 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Highfather
Bine v-am regăsit eNațiune!

Mi-a fost dor de voi. Ca un cadou de revenire, în stilul în care v-am obijduit, va dedic aceasta poezie:

With every King a tale begins,
each passing day can loose some strings,
a Knight’s embrace is honor’s struggle,
and still, each compass fits its angle.

Men see the early day.
Strange long night…The path… A way.
Again shall rise the untainted scion
With a strength worth of a lion,
Though his might may not be power
Every beauty has its sorrow.

Without a flower who could reach
the light forgotten in a speech?
When we are born, all have been given,
As years go by, we’re still not written…
Doors may close, dreams may depart,
but Faith always keeps her part.

(Faith by Ștefan Ene)