Hatred Community

Day 1,091, 21:25 Published in Israel USA by George Griffin


Ladies and gentlemen... I didn't ever want to be saying this. I didn't think this would happen again. To be honest, I'm fed up. We are here to work together and be a community. How can we do this when we have impeachments every term and fighting everywhere? This will not be a long article, I'm going to throw it out there. Tomorrow, if Gavin is impeached, I will be resigning from every office I hold here in eIsrael and I will be leaving the country. Now don't get all jumpy and say, "George, thought you wanted to help us?". Well maybe you guys should of thought about that when you started attacking people on the IRC and chat rooms and the media. We cannot move forward with these acts and having a hatred community. It's like our country is split right down the middle. It's a war against our own country.

As this said, I don't want apart in a country that is trigger happy on making dumb and useless bills that wont get passed. Then we got people that have no idea why they are impeaching are president.
If you give me TEN logical reasons why we should impeach him, I'll think about staying. Is it because of the MoF issue? Get over it! We can overcome that situation! I am behind Gavin Wax 100% and if he leaves, I do too! It's a wrongful doing and a arrogant manner of this guy to impeach Gavin. I am ashamed and very upset with how you guys are treating this... eIsrael, speak up...

Face palm
