
Day 609, 05:31 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Vegeta

Dear Citizens,

Wondering what is happening in eAustralia lately?
Well just see below for the latest:

- We have just recovered South Australia, a big thanks to the Dept of defence for all they did to achieve this.
- Wondering why we are have donated gold to eMalasia? Well we have been researching what wargames will be the best for eAustralia, we have found one that is just localized to Asia-Pacific, and that is the right price.
- Wondering what is happening in the senate? Well, there are afew discussions on at the moment about the effectiveness of the senate, as well as the fact that it takes too long to pass laws. We are looking at both these issues, and how to address them.
- Global Wars, wondering if we are joining in? While there have been 2 official requests for assistance, neither have been approved by the senate yet, so soldiers that have chosen to move overseas to fight have done so at their own discretion and not with official Government orders. The only orders issued have been to not fight in official Dropbears or ACUK uniforms, and they they need to be in eIndo for the resistance war for South Australia that just occurred.

Thanks for your time.
Cheers, AV...