Growing Fighters 1.1

Day 1,432, 07:10 Published in USA USA by weasel2

Chapter 1 Q5 Town Center
Part 1


I’ve seen comments (or maybe trolls) that point out it is more cost effective to give money to Colin Lantrip than it is to feed X number of newbies. My premise ignores that.


As the next priority after TC/boot training or perhaps as a requirement to graduate from that lowly status, “Trainee”, the young soldier needs a 500 health recovery limit.


“But I’ve been working in a commune and I’ve got no money, honey!” says the hapless object of our attention.


Which brings up the effectiveness of the money management the Trainee gets in boot.


In any case, we must loan him the tools to improve his Town Center, starting with the balance of the 3000 USD our potential bud needs to build a fruit orchard.


I hope you can see where this is going.

BRB. Going to find a less fragrant metaphor and something to eat.
