Day 2,329, 19:24 Published in USA USA by greeling

Hello AMPers and other people that don’t matter right now,

I am going to make this a short article and get to the point very quickly. I am announcing my run for for AMP Party President. I have been back for a few months now and have been active in the AMP and been helping out in the leadership for a while. So now I think its time for me to step up and being a bigger part for the party.

Now I know what I need to talk about is what I plan for the month to do. Honestly though I have never been one to make plans to do things, I am more of a do things as they come. I don’t have a promise of making us the number 1 party or most congress seats cause I don’t have ways for us to accomplish that in a month. The main thing I would plan on doing is focusing on activity and getting our fellow members involved.

The staff I plan to have mainly consist of the same people with a few move arounds or it might be no one and I’ll just do everything myself. Either way the party might burn down or something.

I do need to say one thing I’m not sure what I will be doing but hey it would be one fun ride. AMP might stop being a top 5 party also, thats a risk you take with me though.