Governor Klop123 Statements

Day 2,566, 20:34 Published in Canada New Zealand by Con122

The TNCN has had an interview with the governor of eCanada Klop123, in this interview we asked some basic questions, that he thoroughly answered to as, we hope that what he says happens and that eCanada rises to the top. The questions that we asked Governor Klop123 are as follows:

What do you see in eCanada's future on Erepublic? And what do we have to do to become better?

The statement he told as was thoroughly written, and we thank Governor Klop123 for his answer, this was Governor Klop123 answer:

"Well Canada's future is looking pretty stable. We have some great allies among Asteria, LETO, Asgard and others and many avenues to fully enjoy this game. Domestically, elections involve the usual mud slinging, but there are some advantages, as most of the active population partake in these "festivities" and we see a jump in involvement, which is always a good thing in a dying game. At this point, retention is the most important aspect to become better here in eRep. Be it success at the war module or even just programs to help the newer players stick around is quite necessary to stay relevant here in eRep in my opinion."

The answer was a very interesting answer, TNCN wishes to interview more Politician members of eCanada in the upcoming days to see what they think, because, everyone has different opinions, and everyone should be heard.

We close today with a good report, 18 minutes ago, from this time, eCanada has gotten back Newfoundland and Labrador by a vote of 80 for eCanada and none for ePortugal, we wish everyone a safe night and happy playing, please comment and feedback, it will truly help TNCN become a better newspaper, enjoy!