Good bye eMalaysia

Day 949, 08:07 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Awang

The reason I am quit
1. I hate version 2 it need to use alot of time
2. To Coalation of Free, what you mean coalation? The member that are originally from DPP aka DAP,
3. I Hate V2
4. I hate V2
5. I hate V2
6. I hate V2
7. I hate V2

btw, I will donate all my money and gold to FUP funds, who want my company? i will sold at low price for my friends, if CDV, I will sold a weapon company with 33 stock unsold and have 2 licensed to you for 1 gold.

For my the friends I enjoy playing this game the most, my mentor (suzhaimiz), mr Carr call him Mr. S , Vikta, SetsunaX,Wan Muhamad Hasif, Hiyamoon, Collinar you are rock, gen_tiger the first FUP president allowed me to run and I win the first election. Mr Carr De Vaux, the king of conspiracy he can influent people to do somethings, I honored Mr Carr De Vaux as friends, Scyhev Driedfield sorry if I mistaken. To Noveras sorry to say it public, please remember what I want to tell you, does not says anything that come from our PBUH if you do not know the resources,jika engkau menggunakan nama (Nabi Muhammad s.a.w)untuk perkara yang tidak beliau lakukan sudah tersedia neraka untukmu, kalau tak percaya boleh cari, hadis sahih