Gold,Gold,Gold We want to know !!!!

Day 893, 04:22 Published in Malaysia USA by Stoilkovic

Hello again dear malaysians!

This time Im going to write about MONEY!

Yes you have read it good,Money ! 🙂

Since Cipelici are the strongest party if we look from the places won in Congress,then it is my opinion that we need to know where is going all the gold and all the money from our taxes ! 🙂

So i suggest to CDV and the coalition that is formed with the other parties to give us a weekly report!
What should this report contain ???
All the donations to Malaysian bank !!!! gold,RSD,MYR every single penny ^.^
and also should include where the money from Malaysian bank is transfered and for which purpose !!!!
Our people needs to know for which purpose is used our money !!!!!

so CDV and company please it is up to you ! 🙂

PS😒orry about the short text but you got the point ,here its holiday so we are all on a picnic 🙂