Giving Credit Where It is Due

Day 965, 17:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Hello everybody. Welcome to V2. It has been a little while since the last issue and a lot has happened since then. In that time Ireland became a two continent nation, fought a war with the UK and kicked butt and entered a whole new version of the game which everyone calls V2. I won't go into all the good and bad of what has transpired since just about everyone and his uncle has commented on how they feel about the change. I will just say that some people really need to calm down. If a computer game upsets you that much then you need some help. Nuff said.

The reason I am writing is that I want to make sure that the courageous men and women of the Irish Defense Forces get the recognition they deserve when they fight for their country. For those of you who don't know I am the guy who makes the medals that many of the IDF display on the forum in their signatures. These things here,


When a soldier of the IDF fights in a battle, either deployed to a foreign nation or right here at home I create a medal that an IDF soldier can proudly display in their forum signature. There are even some medals created for people who win a Battle Hero medal and some for volunteering for the Ministry of Health.

Now here is where I need your help. In the course of my duties in my various positions here in Ireland I may have missed a deployment or battle for a division other than the tank division or a battle here or there that I did not create a medal for. If anyone knows of one I missed please PM me with details so I can create a medal and the soldiers who want can post it with pride in their signatures. Every battle does not deserve a medal, there is just one medal for the war against the UK. Wargames do not get medals either. They are training exercises and can have a ribbon that you can display but not a medal.

I would appreciate any help you can give. The IDF deserves recognition. If the ICA wants their own medals to show on their signatures I can create some for them also. You guys just need to let me know.

Anthony Colby

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