Ghinsberg Report - War Strikes GBH Profitability!

Day 924, 07:09 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding">

This is a announcement regarding upcoming dividend. As of lest share holders meeting dividends are decided to be reduced to 50% of previous rate in order to prepare for V2. Due to the last weeks warfare in eSweden our companies have been runing on a vary low profit. Trading embargos have struck our weapon divison, especially since a trade embargo with Spain have been raised. Both Arms and Gifts divisions sold most of their good on that market. Hopefully this mess will end soon.

I want to deliver this message as soon as possible. The next dividend will most likely be cancelled. I connection to that payout next shareholders meeting is held and future dividends will be decided then. Our goal is to return to previous levels.

Kind Regards

Yossi Ghinsberg

Ghinsberg Holding