Ghinsberg Report - A few words from the CEO

Day 1,017, 08:23 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding

Ghinsberg Group epands holding division with a Q3 food company. The logic behind a Q3 is that it can be an good food for fighting. Since they only cost 90G, and make quite decent profit at least for now, the payback is short.

Due to the late crisis caused by the transaction to Rising eRepublik’s whole economy have suffered. Some sectors have been lucky for a while, but have quickly become unprofitable. The sudden changes in the economy are obviously a result of both the process of players learning, and changes in the module. My suspicion is that we will have to live with this for a few weeks or even months more, but I both hope and believe that it will be well balanced in the end. No matter, there will always be profitable sectors and with good strategy we are decided to come out of this with even more cash.

Talking about cash, we have about 300G, out of these I’d like to keep 100G as a general backup. Will be transferred to t’jelle bank’s savings account. The remaining 200 could be invested, saved or paid out as dividends. I would like to refrain from paying them out as dividends now that times are tough. When and where to invest I’m not sure, on the other hand I have no rush, opportunities will come.

Also I’d like to apologize for the missed shareholders meeting, I will announce a new sometime in the future. You are more than welcome to visit me in (quakenet) #ghinsberg to ask any questions or opinions about any matters. I appreciate my shareholders advice.

Also, one of our larger shareholders is quitting and want's to sell his shares, if anyone is intrested they will be on the market or contact me to be regered to the seller himself.

Kind Regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Holding