Get Reward - Sell Yourself!

Day 1,281, 15:24 Published in South Korea South Korea by General Lee II
The Original article here

Does it fell right? It must be exciting. Getting ready, pushing the "Fight" button some times and increasing your strenght in 90 points. 90 points, awesome. That's like... 12 days of training? Maybe 15? You're a great soldier now man, you'll be no longer a rookie.

But, hey. Do you know what? That's not true. You're winning 90 strenght points just like every other player in the New World, which means that your status changes by nothing. So, what a gift, they're giving you NOTHING.

But, the worst part of all is that they're selling you nothing for your silence, and you're buying it. While you ask your CPs to not to close the war so you can win your 90 strenght points, a little amount of people makes all your efforts, all the damage you can make in a battle, worth nothing. And it worths nothing because your damage in a day is like 1/5000 of their damage, even when you played to this game for a year or two. Why? Because of the lack of WP's limmit.

And while you win your 90 strenght points the forum gets closed, articles are deleted and people gets banned for showing their opinion.
And while you win your 90 strenght points you're selling your stuff to a bot and when all is going right for the Alliance you fought for suddenly everything changes because of a divine intervention, again and again.

And it seems like you don't even realise that those 90 strenght points are nothing.
Because if you're letting all that to happen in the game you spent your hours for, I can't believe that you're conscious that you're doing it for nothing.

So, get your missions done while you can, but ask your CP and CMs to close all of your wars for a better game. This is the only way to make admins sit down and dialogue with the community in order to really improve the game and get back what was ours. Because they're the owners of this game, but it was our work what made it grow and we're the ones who make it live, and we must come to an agreement.

Let your differences aside and stay united.

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