From the International Desk: Day 2,255

Day 2,256, 05:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Mercurius100

Today’s news features reports from Australia, India, Pakistan, and South Africa.

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Reporting from Australia is Rhysx2.

After the valiant efforts to take back our lands from Chile, the rebellion was crushed under foot once more and Chile reclaimed the land we had managed to relieve from them.

The economy has begun to stabilize and while raw food remains dangerously cheap our raw weapon sector has reached a strong point. Most talk among the higher up officials is on keeping the war effort going strong, we have begun to settle in for a long term war rather than the all out push that we began with, which drained our resources considerably.

For more detailed information of the weekly goings on, refer to our prime ministers summary, straight from the horses mouth.

More recommended reading: The Socialist Standard

Reporting from India is Real Steel 3.

Top News in eindia these days…

President Hamturk is having a silent term and many eindians are not aware of his work.... The eindian reserves have been depleted which is keeping us away from MPP's...
The media is slowly getting inactive without any articles of real interest and the political scenario is still the same...

Moving on to other developments currently there is a resistance war started in Kerala against our invaders usual it is an unprepared one and most of the top brass of eindian society doesn't really seem to fight the RW... the current score is 19-3....

The dispatch program by N.P.I president Real Steel 3 has been a great success across the country with overwhelming response from the eindian society....
The seniors are also trying to start up a commune dispatch but there are some problems to be settled and discussed...

These days multis have been successfully been resisted...the eindian society is waiting for a big babyboom which is now seeming quite difficult....

MOd optimus prime is doing very well he restarted the indian armed forces newspaper and maintaining it in a very good manner passing out regular updates...

Contesting for next Presidential elections is Royal Nexus Arch II of N.P.I.... no other parties have declared their candidates or support....

More recommended reading: SOS India

Reporting from Pakistan is IntrovertArim.

With one region but lots of Hopes Pakistan is currently cruising through hard times. Internal politics created a gap in society of Pakistan which triggered the downfall. Both sides have tremendous international support but lack capacity to cooperate.

Many young players have never seen such situation and are worried about future of Pakistan. It's getting more and more difficult to keep track of rapidly changing situation.

A new government and new policies are more than expected for next term. We may see different international outlook of Pakistan in coming future.

More recommended reading: Awami dhaaba

Reporting from South Africa is Saffa Manne.

Hi folks. Saffa Manne here bringing you eSA news

Read more of my articles here.

Domestic Affairs: Party Elections

Party elections are a very important time during an ATO of a PTO! Why? Because the PP congressional candidates lists are extremely important. Yes, there is still the congressional voting to come where you can try vote out the PTO’d party but if you don’t have enough voters or parties it can be difficult. In eSA we start the party hopping process and help out the parties that are under PTO attack.

Unfortunately for eSA, the Lazocracy are very organized have now managed to PTO 5 of the 8 parties in eSA. The call has gone out to protect these parties at all costs and the PP’s are planning to form a Laager.

Domestic Affairs: eSA’s Population

eSA’s DBI (Department of Birth’s & Immigration) is doing a great job of integrating foreign citizens into our country. Our numbers are swelling. We have many requests from Serbians, Turkish, Macedonians and Brazilians. We are enjoying the new faces and hope that the mix of citizens we have will bring a fresh element to eSA’s future strategies.

Wars: eArgentina

eArgentina continues to occupy 3 of our 9 regions while eUraguay is still squatting in 1 of our 9 regions. We are hoping that eArgentina’s Euro-Asia quest will distract them enough for to liberate our regions but we have not been successful yet. eSSAF continues to offer great Battle Orders for our RW’s.

Politics: Lazocracy Parties

Lazocracy continues to assimilate our parties with Squall’s party being the latest victim. This party has been changed to the La Party. It seems all the leaders of Lazocracy SA get to have their own political party in our country!


The activity in our country continues to decrease. We are seeing less and less articles and comments on articles and less people are using the official forums. Some have even taken to asking for the Lazocracy to write in english, desperate to read something! Is this a sign of the times or is it due to the ongoing strain of the PTO attempt that is now coming to a crescendo?

That’s all for now folks. Until next time. Enjoy the game!

Thanks for reading today’s edition. We’ll be back tomorrow with more news bulletins from reporters around the world.