Foreign Affairs? Introducing the Kravenn and Thomas765 team!

Day 1,846, 17:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello there,

I would say that Kravenn and I make quite a good team when paired together, most recently with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month. We are going to work together in producing informative articles on a variety of issues in the world and involving the reader in some of the articles in the form of polling to a degree.

Firstly, to give a history about both of us...

- Former five time Minister of Foreign Affairs, former three time Minister of Defence, former one time country president and was Director of International Relations in ONE for five months (two headquarters terms).
- He is Belgian in real life but moved to the United Kingdom in-game as a result of the merger between the two countries on this game. He speaks French fluetly and has learned English over the years.
- Politically, he is a member of The Unity Party - the current second largest party - and has been a party president there.
- He says his favourite nations in this game are Serbia, Poland, Chile and Hungary.
- He says his least favourite nations in this game are France (that's a given 😛 ), China and Croatia.

- Former four time Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Minister of Home Affairs, former Speaker of the House of Commons and a former president of the UK. I was ONE deputy Military Commander from January to April, when I became Military Commander alongside Sir Marvin. Later became Deputy Secretary General.
- I live up in Scotland in real life but I didn't start off in the UK. I started off in the USA by accident during the invasion of the United Kingdom in February 2010, which reduced the country down to one region but we won by using diplomacy. I moved to Austria and became country president six months later. After waiting nearly a year to get my citizenship granted, I became a UK citizen in December 2010 and joined the United Kingdom Reform Party, which was second largest at the time. I later became PP and saw the party overtake The Unity Party for the first time in a year. I later joined TUP. Currently I belong to no party.
- My favourite nations in this game are Poland, Chile, Hungary and Ireland.
- My least favourite nations in this game are Argentina, Turkey, Republic of China and China.

So what will your joint articles include?
If you remember from last month, Kravenn and I did a few articles on the relationship between our country and another country up until I resigned as MoFA. We hope to continue these to an extent, whilst letting the MoFA still do their job.

In addition to that, as a result of our contacts abroad, we are able to get news relatively easily and as such we are able to get the information out into the UK media if we so desire.

We currently live in a time where alliances are changing and countries are shifting between forces, most recently including USA and Brazil. We would like to offer citizens to get their input on the alliance situations and on who they find to be good allies.

And finally, to avoid the work being put on just one of our newspapers, we'll be splitting our work up and putting information on my newspaper for one article and on Kravenn's for another every now and again.

Why are you doing this?

Well, we're both doing kind of exactly the same stuff right now. It'd be a lot better and a lot more awesome if we combined our efforts into something much better and efficient. Not only that, it means our articles are being double checked by each other to make sure things are not only accurate but informative to the greatest extent as well.

It's a great way of helping out people who wish to start out in a Ministry of Foreign Affairs either at home or abroad.

I hope you enjoy the articles to come!

Thank y'all for reading,
Thomas765 and Kravenn

P.s. The y'all is because I am a dirty eAmerican.