Fight for Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia or NOT ?

Day 1,956, 00:14 Published in Malaysia Indonesia by mhifzan

Fight for Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia or NOT ?

Fight for Thailand in Peninsular Malaysia ?

Yesterday, i copy paste the convo. Thailand CLAIM their are strong, then why should be bother fight for their side? since their STRONG, let them proof by win by themself, NO NEED for us to helping them.

I know im weak but im not coward. DO THAILAND think if afaird of them coz the STRONG? haha , don't make me laugh. xD

Even Malaysia is weak country in ASIA, Thailand thing their can pussy us around?
Not on my watch. even if we get wipe out or lost. I dont care as long we fight with honour and dignity.

The truth is Thailand themself broke their own agreement with us, NOT the other way around. So if u ask me, are their can be trust?

I did hate their atatide, but I DIDNT LIAR.

Even im honestly say IM WEAK but IM NOT A LIARER.

IF their came to us with respect from begining, maybe i can reasonable with them, but their not. Their come as THE MASTER ASK IS SLAVE.

So do u thing i will respect that?

So if anyone of u want to Fight for Malaysia in Peninsular Malaysia, then go for it. but i DISAGREE for u to Fight for Thailand in Peninsular Malaysia. if u didnt know that to do, THEN DONT FIGHT IN EITHER SIDE.

i wrote this as my personal point a view NOT as CP of MALAYSIA. im didnt give any offical order. so it is in your hand to jugde 😉