Fifth Time's The Charm?

Day 1,355, 12:44 Published in South Africa USA by GoneAndGone

Apparently so. As we saw last night, I finally won the Country President Elections of eSouth Africa. Clearly, all I do is win. And, you guys can't prove that is not the case. (Goes to delete the past 3 elections, and that one a few months back) 😃

So, This is gonna be a quick article since I still have to finalize cabinet. If you are interested in a spot, I'm sure I can find you something to do.

But first, a few things must be said.

I'd like to thank our former president Crumoet for the excellent job you did as CP. You led our country well, and did a good job. You made sure cabinet did their jobs, and pushed us all to do better. I would not have won this election without your support, and without you giving me the VP job. So, thanks.

Also, I'd like to thank former Brazilian President Hopez0r. You're pretty chill dawg. You helped improve relations between your country and mine, and paved the road for the future (along with Crum, of course.) It makes me eager to talk to, and work with, your new CP Raiken Niek. I don't know anything about him yet, but he has a pretty cool avatar. I hope thats a good sign 😃

Next, to Miyagiyoda. I WON, YOU LOST NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NAA!!! 😃 I'm kidding. It was a really good race. I crapped myself several times. I thought I was gonna lose for all but like 10minutes. Keep trying, and you'll definitely win. In fact, I'm pretty sure unlike me, it won't take you 5 times. Probably 10 times 😃 or maybe 2. But in all seriousness, you did good. Good race mate. * initiates high five*

And last, but certainly not least, the people. Thank you for voting for me. Words don't describe how grateful I am that you have given me this chance. I promise not to let you down. I shall post many articles to keep you informed, and am always here, so, if you need me for any reason, send me a PM. I'll get back really quickly, and would love to help you in anyway I could.

So yeah, thank you all, and let's have a successful term!

Thank you,
-Tenshibo, CP of eSouth Africa