Federalist Scavenger Hunt

Day 1,575, 03:34 Published in USA Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

Hello all you excited Federalists! It is now time for what you have all been waiting for, a SCAVENGER HUNT!! Designed by the Federalist Recreation Department, also known as the Rec Center, this scavenger hunt will take you through many areas found around our new forums.

This scavenger hunt is for registered Feds, young and old, big and small, black, white, and purple, so if you are a Fed and haven’t registered yet, I suggest you do so now. The rules are simple, look at the riddles, found in various places around the forum, solve them, and find the post the riddle is hinting at.

The first riddle is more of a statement. It is, “find the very first thing you should read when entering our forums”. The prize list is as follows….I hope you all have fun playing. If you make it to the final post, make sure you read it follow it’s instructions. Thanks!

1st- 100 Q6 tanks!!!!
Battles for days

2nd- 2 gold!!!!
Not chump change people

3rd- 1 gold!!!
Not too shabby

4th- 250 Q5 food
Pretty sweet

5th- 100 Q5 food

From your beloved Recreation department head chief forum burninator,
TrogdortheTroll 100