Day 1,371, 01:32 Published in Greece Greece by Nikolaos D Sklhros

The Greek-Skopian war is continuing for 3 months now.

In the past Greece was erased for almost 1 month by ONE and..Scymex but after the end of July, Greece is strongly back on the map.Everything begun with the decision of the citizens of FYROM who wanted to attack Cyprus to get by force their bonuses in weapons and food production.INCI's said no and so the party begun with FYROM attacking Cyprus in all fronts.But the damage that was spent in these battles was the damage that was keeping Greece under occupation.And so, Greece returned back on the map.

Because of the waste of damage in Cyprus's battles, FYROM couldn't stop the Greek and EDEN forces from liberating the whole country and finally Greece took the initiative and in a quick voting process in an article of the president Johnagrios the Greek citizens decided to continue the offensive in order to close the war by conquering the three regions north of Macedonia.The battles were hard to win but Greece finally conquered Povardarie and the war was closed.
After this, Greece attacked Lower Egypt and the next and current president of Greece, Vasoulini decided with the rest of the Greek citizens to begin again the war in order to get FYROM out of Saudi Arabia and Egypt and finish the threat from FYROM.

Battles started again but FYROM had the N.E. on Cyprus and so Greece conquered easily 3 regions.When Greece attacked Upper Egypt, ONE was there with heavy tanking and many soldiers to ensure that Greece will not keep the initiative.The battle was lost for Greece and FYROM liberated their useless but original regions of their e-country.After throwing Greece out of Egypt, they attacked again the Greek region of Macedonia.This attack was done because of internal problems of the FYROMian side.Greece defended strongly the region and then Greece attacked again in Egypt in Middle Egypt.ONE was there but Greek-EDEN forces won the battle.

And then Greece attacked Red Sea Coast.The battle was hard.Greece was ahead when one decided to leave Spain's battles in Cantabria and Castilla (finally defended succesfuly) in order to cover the more damage that Greece was doing until then.
EDEN was there to fight for its honoured member and in the 8th round, the power of Greece and the rest of EDEN was stopped because of the millions that were spent there from ONE and mostly form the tanks of ONE.The battle was lost for Greece and Greece is out of Egypt but this war can't continue for FYROM.

Yesterday, the current president of eGreece published this article with the peace proposal that the FYROMian side made to the Greek goverment.The Greek people asked to vote fro peace or not and the Greek citizens voted fro peace and then the were waiting fro the Skopian answer which was this.

Greeks wanted peace, FYROMians not.The FYROMians believe that ONE will continue to provide millions of damage against Greece for ever.The war between Greece and FYROM costed ONE the attack against Croatia and so the stronghold of EDEN in Europe stands still and the Croatian soldiers are going all around the world, striking everywhere they can in the rw's and ONE is losing now the war in Spain and Poland is hitted hard.
And all of this because FYROM is spending the damage of ONE in its battles. Now they want to..conquer Greece (again) and they object any peace plan.

After the FYROMian attack in Cyprus, ONE's countries are losing steadily ground and now FYROM wants to conquer Greece again but this is not possible any more.EDEN is using the waste of damage in FYROM's battles to destroy Spain at first and then Poland but the citizens of FYROM seem to be in their own world and they ant to continue a war they cannot win...

If ONE keeps supporting so much FYROM, then ONE has chosen FYROM than Spain and the colonies of Poland in France, to survive the attacks of TERRA and EDEN.Can ONE stand so many loses for ONE country?

Nikolaos Sklhros