eUSA population – November 2022

Day 5,490, 11:37 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Hello citizens. The graphics of the population in November are finally completed. But I think you can appreciate the difference of this month with the previous one when they are blended together in the same graphic:

During the Crypto Heist event eAmerica registered the biggest increase of its population from the beginning of my stats articles (2019), and probably even more time: bigger than the lockdown weeks, bigger than any event hosted in the last 4 years. The population increased so much that I had to fix all caps of my graphics, raising them a lot. Till now, the maximum eUSA population I had registered counted 1379 citizens, on 4th May 2020, and it’s more than a year that the population never reached 1100 citizens. Well, look at the numbers of this November, instead :

Total balance from 1st November (1083) to 30th November (1687) = +604 people
Balance in % : +56 % of population in a month.

Top day: 28th November = 1691 people
Low day: 1st November = 1083 people.

November mean = 1486 active citizens

The next graphic compares the American average monthly population calculated in three years of eRepublik:

Every November registered an increase of population, but this one exceeded everything else in years.

This graphic shows the percentage of eAmericans in the world :

For almost two years the eAmericans were more or less the 3 % of the worldwide population. But in just 3 weeks they increased so much to represent the 4,4 % of the world. Even the world population has increased a lot during the Crypto Heist event, from 35955 to 38165 (more than 2000 players), but it seems that the crypto-mania affected way more Americans than the rest of the world.

Another graphic affected by the crypto-mania, of course, is the one regarding the eUSA beginners:

The first two columns represent the monthly mean of the citizens registered in eUSA in 2020 and 2021. The other bars are the new American citizens from January to November 2022: coloured bar represents the new registrations in a month, the yellow cap in every bar represents the citizenships approved by eUSA congress people.
In the year 2020, eUSA counted around 290 beginners every month plus 10 citizenships approved. In 2021 they reduced to less than 179 beginners per month plus 5 citizenships approved. In 2022 there are:
January: 176+5
February: 154+9
March: 192+5
April: 215+8
May: 175+7
June: 192+4
July: 139+11
August: 147+5
September: 152+3
October: 155+8
November: 592+3

Looking back in my collected data, the last time eUSA reached that number was in March 2019, the time when the infamous “ID Name Citizens” appeared in game. But if I search just the “real” beginners, I should go back in 2015 to see more than 600 new eUSA citizens in a month.

Also in the graphic regarding the elections I had to increase the cap values:

Votes for presidents are in dark blue, votes for congress are in red, and the rest of light green bar represents the quantity of “active” citizens that did not casted a vote.
In November, 250 people of 1222 have voted for President, and 287 of 1678 have voted for Congress. While the absolute numbers are similar to the previous ones, in percentage, instead, the votes are just the 20 % and the 17 % of the total eUSA population, showing that the last 600 registered players probably didn’t voted in the elections.

Well, it seems the increasing of people isn’t finished yet, because there is the ongoing anniversary event, but these days the increase is really lower than during the Crypto Heist ones. I hope to survive and make the graphics of December, to discover what will happen. For the moment, enjoy the game!