Ethical Egotism

Day 1,042, 17:52 Published in United Kingdom USA by Professor Oak
A new newspaper name, and ethical egotism

Well I had a pic here, but erepublik won't accept it. Deal.

First off, a little changes in my newspaper. It is now called the “mudkipz Post”. I named it that because why not? Also, you get a mudkipz if you sub, no joke, PM me.
I have also changed the picture accordingly.
Also, at the peak, my second total article was the 8th in the media. I am very happy with that.

If you haven’t read my previous article, which is more or less the beginning to this, I suggest you go read it. I’ll also post a summary of it here:
1. I admit I am a noob.
2. I say we should do something fun
3. I talk about the possible outcomes, and refute the bad ones
4. I talk about how we should value our fun over others fun.

Now onto the main part of my paper: ethical egotism

If you have been reading my previous articles, you might remember how I was saying stuff like we should help ourselves above our allies.

Now go ahead, call me an asshole
Out of your system yet?

So now, because I assume some people disagree with me on that thought (premise, thesis, idk), I am going to explain why I think that way. It is not just because I am an asshole, I will not go out and attack individuals for the sake of attacking them, and if I disagree with a person I will explain why rationally. I know that makes me a minority in this game of trolls.

So here is my reasoning. It is because I see no point in hurting myself, or my nation, if you take that thought to its fullest. Because doing something that isn’t the best for us, is hurting us. Not in the sense that we will be worse off than before we ‘hurt’ ourselves, but we will be worse off than we otherwise could have been if we decided to help ourselves. It is pretty much a political form of opportunity cost. We should help ourselves because this is a game, no one will die if we help ourselves, at worst people will be mad at us.

I now need to make a note, because I have already talked to people who have misinterpreted what I have said. I am not saying to screw our allies over.
I repeat: I am not saying to screw our allies over.
People will generally think that the motto of putting one’s self first means do whatever helps you immediately. That is not true, that is not what I believe. Here is a real life example of what I do not believe.

Ex: I have some homework, I have to take notes for a history class. The people who think of only the now, would choose to copy the notes from online. They think, often subconsciously, it saves me time which helps me. These people do not realize that it only helps them in the very direct short term. It only helps them save an hour or two, when it hurts them much more when they fail a test, or are found out, and punished accordingly.

The following is what I would do:
Same situation and everything. Notes, have to do them, you get the point. I wo[]uld do the notes, even though it would immediately seem that it is hurting me. Because I am looking long term, I am worrying about the test that I may fail if I cheat, and the chance that I will be caught cheating and completely screwed.

The same holds true in Erepublik. We, if I were the decider in this nation, would not abandon our allies. We would not just flip them the bird. We would help them when it helps us to help them. That is after taking into account the political and social effects of us helping or not helping them.
When it helps us overall to fight in our own battle, I would suggest we fight in our own battle
When it helps us overall to help our ally, which it often will, I would suggest we for our ally.

All I am saying is that we should consider being a slight more egotistic, as opposed to the noble path we are taking now.

Vote and sub for a mudkipz! PM me to renew it 😉

Professor Oak