EO: Day 911 of the New World, battles.

Day 911, 09:03 Published in South Africa Spain by evighet

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The European situation is complicated because there are a lot of battles.


Bulgaria recovers Ruse and in few hours Vidin from his friend, Serbia.

In the north, Serbia attacked Croatia in Southern Great Plain. If they won, they will give the region back Hungary.

Central Europe

Germany has occupied Salzburg and Carinthia from Austria. I’m not sure about their intentions, but I’ll pay attention.
On the other hand, a RW has begun in Upper Austria against Slovenia.

Few days ago, Poland had conquered Moravia and Western Slovakia in order to attack Hungary, but now there are a RW in the Czech region and Hungary attacks the second…

France wants their territories back. Rhone Alps is under attack and Spain is losing the battle by now. The region contains wood in high level.

Aquitaine, the other Spanish high wood region, is also under French attack. It seems that it will be easier to secure than Rhone-Alps, but the battle haven’t finished yet.
Canada wanna help his allies and attacks Brittany and Pays de la Loire

A new attack in Northern Cape. South Africa won’t fall again against Brazilian and PHOENIX. We won’t give our resources. Fight with weapons.

USA’s colonies are attacked by PHOENIX and Indonesia. The objective is diverting damage from the Spanish battles. Those regions are deserted and cheap.

Russia attacks Chine in three original regions: Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Heilongjiang. It’s difficult to conquer them, specially Heilongjiang, but the other regions may fall.

I wish you found it interesting and this case I’ll be so glad if you vote the article.

