Elections, Opinion Poll, and a Proposition

Day 1,221, 10:21 Published in Philippines USA by Aersidius

An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.
~George Eliot

Congress Elections

Congressional election day is upon us again. Vote early and vote often. Ok, so voting often isn't the best idea, it just sounded good. I'm running in Visayas, under the Kilusan ng Makabayang Pilipino. If you haven't chose who to who for, I'd appreciate your vote.

ReviloX has published a very informative guide for how to vote in the congressional elections. If you aren't sure how elections work, go read Beginners Guide (Congress Election).

Philippines Opinion Poll:

I have created a poll for Philippines citizens. I will report back to you in a couple days regarding the data gathered from this poll. Fill it out only if you are a Philippines citizen, and then only fill it out once. Here it is, the Philippines Opinion Poll

Congress Updates:

I have recently brought up the following proposition in congress. I'm posting it here so all citizens and new congress people can get an early look at it.

Advancing Citizen Business and Trade

Proposition: To establish a list of ePhilippines citizens who sell goods in the marketplace or currency in the monetary market, known as the Philippines Native Trade Group.

Purpose: Promote business interests of ePH citizens over foreign traders.

Reasoning: When I'm shopping for goods, I look first at the cheapest offer. Second, I look at the list of sellers' names and pick people I know to be ePH citizens. Basically, I'd prefer to achieve my goal(buying) by helping another citizen accomplish theirs(selling), rather than giving my money to foreign profiteers.

Implementation: The Speaker of the House can appoint a Philippines citizen to head this effort, or put it up to congress vote, or defer this power to the President. I'll volunteer to do this for the first round.

The list could be advertised in articles, on the forums, in the info at the top of the irc channel.

Requirements for being added to the Philippines Native Trade Group:

1. The applicant must be a citizen of the ePhilippines.
2. The applicant cannot be a known PTO operative.

You can find this proposition in the congress discussion area of the forums.

Thanks for checking out my paper today. Don't forget to vote in today's elections. I'd love to have your vote supporting me in Visayas, under Kilusan ng Makabayung party. Click here for the full list of KMP candidates.


Read the Philippine Defense Bulletin