eIreland CP | Netherlands Holdiay

Day 4,419, 22:14 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Attention Soliders,

Today we prepare to embark on a flight to glory. Today we prepare to unite with our Celtic brothers and sisters who are entrapped by the Dutch in their evil low lands. Today we will fly to ensure that the Celt's of Netherlands rise up again to take their rightful place at the head of the table.

eIreland, prepare to take flight. Your government has decided to go ahead and attack the Netherlands in response to their Airstrike on our allied partners, BiH. While some in the alliance command post see us attacking South Africa, we on the other hand, drunk and ready to fight, realise Netherlands is actually in Europe. So off to Europe we go.

Soon our tanks will be rolling down their streets and into the Heineken factory, to teach them how to make real beer. Soon we will be throwing their Klomp's into the fires and teaching them what real boots are. We will land and be victories, because we are the fighting Irish.

Our Marines will be equipped with the latest weapons stolen from the English in Wales, with these will strike down those bicycle riding blondies and reek havoc on their lands.

So eIreland, lets get after it, let us take the Netherlands.... hey they have a border with the UK, might get a two for one deal.

Rusty D