eAustralian forums is back with a few simple steps!

Day 901, 05:19 Published in Australia Norway by Mikhail Alexander

G'day Fellow Australians,

The iTechnology Corporation in Queensland, Australia run by the Government of Australia has found out a way to access the forums with a few simple steps.

NOTE: The following you are about to do will be accessing your "WINDOWS FILES", if you don't want to change them or don't want to screw up your files, don't read the following steps and go back to what you were doing before you read this article/title!

Step 1: Open an explorer window, and find the folder C😕Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the file called "hosts" (for Windows Vista/7 users, open notepad, run as administrator and find the file through notepad).

Step 2: Add " community.auserepublik.com" (without quotes) on a new line at the bottom of the "hosts" file, then save and close the file.

Step 3: Open a command prompt window (if you have a run box in your start menu, just type cmd and press enter) and type in "ipconfig /flushdns" (without quotes) and press enter. You can close the command prompt.

You should now have access to the eAustralian Forums! What you just added into the "hosts" file will need to be removed in a few days, I will make a post, when it needs to be taken out.

Rowan Quigley
eAustralian Citizen

P.S.: Please vote for me in the Congress Elections on the 25th May 2010.