Duties of 'The Australian Diggers' (AUS MU)

Day 1,366, 16:30 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

This is the Second Article on the new Australian Military unit called
The Australian Diggers

The Australian Diggers Military Unit offers a place of belonging, support and mateship as we fight for those who face oppression from hostile neighboring powers.

We are a militia, although 100% Dedicated to the Cause of Australia.
Because we are a militia, we want to offer our services to the underdog nations throughout the eWorld.

Australian Diggers Unit deplying overseas

Diggers Supplies Structure

When you Join The Australian Diggers you are not expected to work in one The Australian Diggers supply companies.
'Diggers Weapons'
'Diggers Tucker'
'Diggers Rubber'
'Diggers Rubber 2'
'Diggers Deer'

If you choose NOT to work in one of the Australian Diggers Companies you will receive:

3 x Q4 Weapons or/and 25 x Q3 food (or 150 wellness) Each day for fights.

If you choose YES to working in an Australian Diggers COmpnay, you will receive the following:

Daily Salary of $50AUD or half of the current market rates shown on the Australian Job market each week, which ever is greater
Eg. Top Job offer on the Aus Market = $110AUD you receive $55AUD
Or Top Job offer on the Aus Market = $85AUD you receive $50AUD

On top of this Daily Salary you will also receive:

4 x Q4 Weapons + 50 x Q3 Food (or 300 wellness equivalent) EACH DAY you work.

When we have significant deployments, further weapons and/or food will be provided.

Strength, Citizenship and Rank Requirements

There are no strength, Citizenship or rank entry requirements in The Australian Digger
Everyone is able to apply and join.

Australian Digger Tanks training with younger recruits

You just need to have the Never give up ANZAC spirit!

Where it is not all about YOU! But sticking up for your mates.

The only requirement is that you fight often and where you are asked to fight.
Sometimes this will mean overseas deployment (at your own expense) and in battles where the odds outweigh us and the nation we fight for.

Potential Small country in need of The Australian Diggers Support

We believe that just because your strength is over 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k etc, doesnt mean you are more important than the your fellow digger! Every fight counts, every sacrifice is important in the quest for freedom.

We want to see every Australian Strengthen up, rank up and level up!
So, if your looking for some Mateship, support and a healthy positive Military Unit where all are equal, the maybe The Australian Diggers are for you!

The Australian Diggers -"Sticking up for your mates!"
Apply Here:

P.S We are looking for a Military Uniform, stay tuned for our competition to design one!