Does India want me?

Day 2,014, 04:36 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone,Parth here.I am really mad now. Abhinay Gupta has threatened me and called me a worthless person.That is what I get for contacting other parties for aid day and night,holding meetings and trying to do all the work since nobody would respond.Even though I am working so hard,I take full responsibility of the YUUVA decrease in members.I should have lost my ethics and bribed players to stay. I thank Abhinay for doing this because finally someone has opened my eyes. Now the question is does YUUVA want me and does eIndia want me?if it doesn't I will sadly leave my motherland and leave for US.
Jai Hind(This might be the last time I am saying this)