Dividends Paid Out at 8.4% Monthly Dividend Yield

Day 921, 14:42 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding

Dividends have finaly been paid, big thanks to Ironman who sorted the transfrer. As decided on last shareholders meeting dividends are paid out at 50% of previous rate, in total 35G, or a montly yield of 8.4%. Next shareholders meeting is held in about two weeks, future rates will be decided then.

Current Affairs
Business is running quite smoothly, though recently imposed trading embargo with Spain might reduce profitability of Arms and Gift division. Even though prices have been higher in Sweden over the last week we expect a increace in supply since many swedish companies export to Spain. In favour manufacturing wages have gone down. All in all we expect the previous high prices to decline some 10-15% over the near future, though profitability will be slightly less affected.

Thats all for this time! Dont forget to come talk to us in #ghinsberg on rizon.

Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Holding