Differences between presidential election of December and February in Norway

Day 1,536, 07:09 Published in Norway Norway by Per Jostein

Two months ago, LavBoris won the presidential election and started a new period of PTO in Norway, that continues until now.

In two days, again Stakerauo will try to be the president, this time against LavBoris's puppet, Nejjko.

The actual scenario has some differences, comparing with two months ago:

Society: There are more PTOers than in December. It means of course more votes to them. Many Serbians came here recently and some Norwegians gave up living in our country. There is no baby boom in Norway. I cannot say by now if the Norwegians still have the major part of the population or not. Two months ago, for sure there were more Norwegians.

Economy: Now Norway has no region, and of course this affect the Economy and it is the most important reason to many Norwegians left the country.

Politics: There is no congress anymore and the country president will have more power. A dangerous situation as we can realize seeing Nejjko's acts. Stakerauo has a more solid position than two months ago, is a well-known player and represents the last hope of Norwegian people. Nejjko is, without doubt, an evil PTOer. Two months ago, Stakerauo was considered an unexperienced player, as LavBoris was seen as that experienced player who could maybe manage Norway to better times. Many players trusted on LavBoris, as he didn't prove to be a PTOer by that time. He was in Norway for many months and seemed to be a polite, experienced player that just wanted the best for Norway, even if he was a RL Serbian. I think some Norwegians have voted on LavBoris, and I'm sure it won't be repeated this time.

Military: Our MPPs with EDEN members have expired (just Croatia was renewed) and Nejjko now is planning to sign MPPs with ONE members. Two months ago, Norway had more than 20 MPPs.

Summarizing, what exists now is an outline of country, destroyed by two months of PTO. We can have 20 or 30 darker days or stop the PTO and try to rebuild Norway.