Dictator announcement - final report

Day 2,726, 00:48 Published in New Zealand Chile by President of the eNew Zealand

War with Peru
New Dictator
Future moves

War with Peru did not go as we expected, they were to week to keep 2 of our regions under control. eNew Zealand has all 4 regions under control again. We shall see if there gonna be some new arrangement with them, for now we did not receive any proposal.

New Dictator will be Kurojca i informed him about current situation so the eNew Zealand will keep rolling in the same direction.
Our dear Rum-addict CC has been elected as a CP again. Back in the days CC-Kuro was a great team, it will be nice to see them working together again.

Due the lack of wars on our eNew Zealand we will try to open new one, new dictator will inform you in a few days, and we shall start some preparations today. There are 2 options: first one is to open war with Peru if they still want to rent our regions, and the second one is to open some TW.